Relaxed Rules are Real and They are Spectacular


As golf’s governing bodies attempt to modernize the rules of the game, we found one course that is way ahead of the curve. Allow us to introduce you to Evergreen Golf Course located 7,200 feet above sea level in Evergreen, Colorado where they play by something called “relaxed rules.” Not only does this make the game more fun, but at this elevation, the golf ball goes much, much farther…it’s a win-win! 

In its essence, relaxed rules are nothing more than a general set of guidelines for amateur golfers to follow, as opposed to abiding by the strict rules the professionals play by. All it requires is a little bit of common sense and an open mind. Here’s what the sign reads in front of the first tee:


This course gets it ? #relaxedrules #growthegame #commonsense #golfcourse #rules #notrocketscience #colorado

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In case you’re wondering, this isn’t a new idea. A few years back, Golf Channel commissioned a research study that showed 85 percent of golfers, both avid and lapsed, are in favor of relaxed rules for recreational play.

While these rules will never fly on the professional tours, that’s basically the point. Pros play a different game as it is. Unless you actively trying to lower your handicap, let alone keeping a handicap, most weekend warriors are out there trying to blow off some steam and have a good time, not to break course records.

[h.t Golf Channel]


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