Woman’s Unorthodox Swing is Ugly Yet Effective


Arnold Palmer famously said, “swing your swing.” Clearly, the King never saw this woman hit a golf ball.

On Thursday, Tour pro Stephen Wheatcroft posted this astounding video that he took during the Web.com Tour’s Albertson Boise Open pro-am of a participant who has a slightly more unorthodox approach than the average golfer.  


After addressing the ball, she throws convention out the window when she drops her right foot back and begins a sequence which could be mistaken for a full body dry heave. Her legit 90-degree turn provides the leverage she desires as she whips the club around on one of the shallowest planes you’ll ever see.

Considering everything prior, you can’t argue with the contact. Plus she even caps it off with a one-handed follow through, which at this point she may just be showing off. 

According to Wheatcroft, she was pumping the ball out there 200-yards plus. Not so funny anymore, is it? Keep swinging your swing!

[h.t Golf Digest]


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