Plumber Makes Ace, Wins $10,000

Hole-in-ones are great, but when they’re worth $10,000, they’re even better. Just ask 38-year-old Justin Blaze from Crittenden, Kentucky. He was playing the Eagle Creek Country Club this past weekend when he stepped up to the 15th tee knowing what was at stake. This is because he uses an app called Eagle Watch Golf which allows a golfer to bet on their own tee shots at participating courses.

Blaze is no stranger to the app, so he’ll typically throw down the maximum $10. Hitting the green is worth $6, within flagstick length gets you $140, within two-feet earns you $250 and an ace’s value is determined by the number of entrants, like a state lottery jackpot. Most jackpots usually range between $5,000 and $6,000. On this fateful day, the jackpot was more like $10,000!

To prevent fraud, the Eagle Watch Golf installed 2 cameras on each participating hole to verify tee shots; one on the tee and one on the green. All you have to do is physically identify yourself on camera, log on after the round and claim your prize.

Blaze hit 9-iron on the 125-yard par-3, and the rest was history. 




[h.t Golf Digest]


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