DeChambeau Dresses Up As Fowler For Halloween

Halloween is the best time of year to catch your friends and family off guards with a well-timed prank or perfectly pulled-off costume. Bryson DeChambeau decided this week at the Shriners Hospitals for Children Open would be a great time to pull a quick one on his Ryder Cup teammate Rickie Fowler.

With a little help from a mustache artist, DeChambeau added Rickie’s signature orange hat and shirt and approached Fowler as he left the green during his Wednesday pro-am.

“Rickie, can I have a signature please?” DeChambeau asked, bouncing down the hill towards Fowler. “I wore orange just for you. Can you sign my hat?”

Rickie wasn’t too impressed with the whole get-up, faux-signing the ball and turning around to throw it into a nearby hazard. 

Naturally, Fowler was asked about DeChambeau’s prank later in the day at his pre-tournament press conference. The verdict? A decent effort, but lacking in the mustache area. 

“It was pretty good,” Fowler said. “He could’ve done better on the mustache. The artwork was good, but if you’re gonna do one, you either gotta grow one or go buy a proper mustache that you can put on there. But I give it to him. I give him an ‘A’ for effort.”